Club Diary: The Club Diary is in the entrance lobby and shows the pre-committed rinks for each day and the time-period. This enables members to identify which rinks are available for ‘roll-ups’ / ‘practice’ and for booking rinks for external/internal competitions. In principle, a member playing external competitions takes precedence over roll-ups, practicing, and internal competition …so occasionally members may be asked to swap rinks. The Green Ranger may, via the diary, close a rink or close the green for maintenance or repair.
Noticeboards: Information about the Ladies and Men’s matches are in their respective changing-rooms, whilst mixed matches and friendlies are in the entrance lobby. The details of Social Events and Club Competitions are on the noticeboards in the corridor. Always check the whiteboard for important notifications.
Nomination for Matches: Bowls is a sport and therefore the Club encourages members to play competitively …the Club fixtures include National, County, District, and Local Leagues so the selection of some games is based on ability. There are sufficient games at all levels of ability to ensure members get selected for some games …so speak with the Captains to establish the appropriate level of matches for you and nominate on the appropriate match sheets …you may not get picked every time but you will get some games. Always consider what Friendlies you are available for and sign-up …but they are often over-subscribed and the selectors aim to pick a balanced team …there are lots of Friendlies so you will get the opportunity to play in some games. Teams are generally selected a week before so check the ‘selection list’ and ‘tick’ to indicate you have seen your selection and to confirm availability. Lots of games are played ‘away’ and ‘lifts’ are usually available if you ask others playing.