Other Activities

Bridge Club

Whatever your ability you will be welcome to play bridge with us every Wednesday from 9:30 am until 12.

Play is informal and you don’t need to come with a partner. Help is available if required. £3 each includes refreshments.

You need not be a member of the bowls club to play bridge but just like the bowls club you will find it a great place to make friends.
Enquiries welcome.

Janice Ford 01707 850983 m.07913 234149
Ashley Goodwin 07940 212551

Cribbage Club

Our popular Cribbage Club meets between 10am-1pm every Monday. For just £2 members play either singles or doubles making teams as they arrive.

Refreshments are included and there is instruction available for inexperienced new members.

We also play in The Potters Bar Crib League when, during the off-bowls season, we play home or away matches on Monday evenings against opponents from local pubs, the British Legion, and local cricket clubs.

Enquiries Welcome.

Pauline Dinner 07780 352134


Each Wednesday from 2 p.m. between October and March join us for all kinds of board games for only £1.

And the bar is open too.

Call Jill Jordan on 07788 991934 to confirm.


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From mid-April through to the the end of September the club is open from 10 am to Dusk