1. 1: These rules apply to Oak Hill Bowls Club, hereafter referred to as “the Club”. The club is affiliated to Bowls England, Hertfordshire Bowls, St Albans & District Ladies Bowling Association and Finchley & North London Association.

1.2: The Rules & Regulations applicable to Bowling Greens belonging to the London Borough of Barnet are incorporated within this Constitution and Rules.

1.3: The playing rules of the Club are in accordance with the Laws of the Sport as laid down by the World Bowls Board and the Rules and Regulations adopted by Bowls England.

  1. Objective

To foster and promote the sport of flat green bowls at all levels, providing opportunities for recreation and competition.

  1. Membership

3.1: Membership of the Club is open to anyone interested in the sport on application, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.

The Club has different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The Club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people’s participation.

The Club Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the club or sport into disrepute.  Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the Committee.

3.2: Each candidate for membership must submit a written application to the Honorary Secretary.

3.3: The Annual subscription, normally due and payable by 16th May, is an amount agreed by the Committee.

3.4: Memberships available at the Club:


3.4.1:  Full Member o√
3.4.2    Junior Member (under 18 years of age or in full-time education) o√
3.4.3    Social Member o√

3.4.4    Life Member

3.4.5    Associate Member




3.5: Honorary Life Membership: The Club has the power to elect Honorary Life Membership for exceptional special services rendered to the Club. Such Honorary Life Members will be elected at the Annual General Meeting after nomination has been submitted in writing outlining the reasons. The nominee must be considered an elder of the Club, normally of more than 25 years’ standing and have, in the view of the Committee, made a significant contribution to the Club over many years, and be considered a loyal ambassador for the Club.

Honorary Life Members may attend AGMs and SGMs.

3.6: Associate Membership is available to members who wish to take part in informal bowling sessions (roll-ups), but not to take part in club fixtures or competitions.

  1. Trustees:

4.1: The property of the Club (to be described in the Trust Deed) shall be vested in not less than two nor more than four Trustees who will:

  1. a) Be Full Members or Honorary Life Members;
  2. b) Hold office until death or resignation from office or until removed from office;
  3. c) Be indemnified against risk and expense out of the Club’s property;
  4. d) Act upon the direction of a Resolution of the Committee in connection with the Club’s property;
  5. e) Notwithstanding the generality of sub-paragraph (d) in connection with the disposition, dealing or management of any property purchased, let or otherwise acquired by the Club in conjunction with any other person or body of persons, duly consider the wishes, resolutions or other decisions however made by any such person or body of persons and not be bound by, but shall duly consider any resolution of the Committee;
  6. f) Be entitled to attend and speak, but not to vote, at meetings of the Committee in their capacity as Trustees.

4.2: For the purposes of appointing the first Trustees, and where by reason of such death, resignation or removal of a Trustee it is necessary that a new Trustee be appointed, the Committee will nominate the person or persons to be appointed as the new Trustee(s).

4.3: For the purpose of giving effect to such nomination, the Club President for the time being is hereby nominated as the person to appoint Trustees of the Club within the meaning of Section 36 of the Trustee Act 1925, and he/she shall, by deed, duly appoint the person or persons so nominated by the Committee.

  1. Management of the Club:

5.1: The Club will be managed by a General Committee consisting of the President, Deputy President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Match Secretary, Competitions Secretary, Men’s Captain, Ladies’ Captain, Catering Manager, Bar Manager, Green Ranger, Property Manager, and up to two Membership Secretaries.

5.2: The Officers of the Club will be the members of the Committee (as defined above), plus the Ladies’ and Men’s Deputy Captains. All Officers must be Full or Life Members of the Club.

5.3: An Emergency Committee comprising any four of the following – President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Men’s Captain and Ladies’ Captain – has the power to deal with urgent matters at short notice. Such decisions must be ratified by the Committee at the earliest opportunity.

5.4: The Men’s and Ladies’ Captains are responsible for selecting teams for the Club’s fixtures. They may nominate other members, in addition to the respective Deputy Captains, to assist them in this task. The Committee should approve these nominations.

5.5: Each member of the Club may be reimbursed for any costs and expenses incurred on behalf of the Club in the proper execution of duties undertaken on behalf of the Club,


Save in any such case where any such costs, expenses and liabilities arise in connection with any negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust;


Provided that any such member so indemnified has been properly authorised by the Committee in relation to the duties undertaken on behalf of the Club.

Sums in excess of an amount stipulated by the Committee must be authorised beforehand by the Honorary Treasurer.

  1. Election of Officers

6.1: All Officers will be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club from, and by, the Full and Life Members.

6.2: The President & Captains are not normally eligible for re-election following 3 consecutive years in office. They will be eligible for re-election to these offices after 1 year from their previous term of office. Where there is another nominee for the respective office this rule will apply.  However, where there is no other nominee, and the original officer is prepared to be re-elected, they can be nominated for re-election.

  1. General Committee

7.1: The affairs of the Club are controlled by a General Committee as defined in section 5.1 above. The members of the Committee are elected by the Full and Life Members at the Annual General Meeting.  The Committee will meet at agreed intervals and not less than four times per year. Seven Committee members are to be present at such Meetings to form a quorum. Meetings of the Committee will be chaired by the President or Deputy.

7.2: The Committee has the power to deal with all matters relating to the Club not provided for in these Rules, and to fill vacancies by co-option or otherwise at their discretion.

7.3: The Committee has the power to expel any member who offends against the Rules of the Club or whose conduct, in the opinion of the Committee, renders him or her unfit for membership of the Club. Before any such member is expelled, the Honorary Secretary will give him/her seven days’ written notice to attend a meeting of the Committee and will inform him/her of the complaints made against him/her. No member can be expelled without first having the opportunity of appearing before the Committee and answering the complaints made against him/her, nor unless two thirds of the Committee then present vote in favour of his/her expulsion. No member whose membership has been terminated under this rule can be introduced by any other member as a visitor to any part of the Club premises.

7.4: The Committee will keep accurate accounts of the finances of the Club through the Honorary Treasurer. These should be available for reasonable inspection by Members and should be examined by the appointed Independent Examiners before every Annual General Meeting. The club will maintain a bank current account.  Any payments made against Club funds should be authorised by the Treasurer and one of two other named Officers.

7.5: The Committee will make decisions, where necessary, on the basis of a simple majority vote. In the case of equal votes, the Chairperson is entitled to a second and casting vote.

7.6: Sub-committees may be appointed by the Committee as necessary to fulfil the Club’s business.

7.7: The President and Honorary Secretary, by virtue of their office have the right to attend meetings of all sub-committees.

7.8: A Competitions Sub-committee, comprising the Competitions Secretary, together with the Ladies’ and Men’s Captains, is responsible for organising the club competitions. The rules for these competitions are contained in a separate document and can be amended with the approval of the Committee.

  1. General Meetings

8.1: The Annual General Meeting, of which at least ten days’ notice must be given to all members, will normally be held in December each year. One fifth of the total membership is required to form a quorum.  The objectives of the meeting are:-

  1. a) Receiving the Annual Report and the Audited Statements of Account.
  2. b) Electing the Committee Members and other Officers. Nominations for Officers must be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least four days prior to the date of the Meeting. The Chairman of any committee of the Club may relinquish his/her personal vote but is able to cast a vote in the event of a tie.
  3. c) Receiving nominations for the Independent Examiners of the Club’s accounts. These nominations can be taken at or prior to the meeting.

d): Transacting the business of the Club.

All Full and Life Members are entitled to vote for all positions and on all motions to the meeting.  Nominations for County and District delegates will take place at the first meeting of the Committee convened after the Annual General Meeting.

8.2: All motions for the Annual General Meeting must be given in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least four weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. These motions must be specified in the notice convening the Meeting and all Full Members and Life Members will be entitled to vote.

8.3: A Special General Meeting can be called by the Honorary Secretary upon –

(a) receipt of a requisition signed by at least one fifth of the Full Members at that time, or

(b) by decision of the Committee. At least 10 days’ notice must be given of all Special General Meetings and only the business stated as the object of the meeting shall be discussed.

8.4: No alterations, or addition, to the Rules shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting of the Club or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose.

  1. Dress:

9.1: Dress for club matches, representative games, semi-finals and finals of club competitions and other games as stipulated by the committee shall be in accordance with the rules as adopted by Bowls England. In such games members will wear club approved tops or any other appropriate clothing specifically authorised by the Committee.

9.2: For events where no other club or player are involved (i.e. club nights, casual play, early stages of club competitions and other games at the discretion of the committee) appropriate clothing which allows freedom of movement, causes no distraction, offence or embarrassment to other players may be worn.

9.3: Members must wear footwear of regulation style & colour as approved by Bowls England.

The Committee reserves the right to ensure appropriate dress is worn at all times.

10. Complaints:

If a member(s) has a complaint against the club or another member(s) every attempt should be made to settle the dispute amicably. However, if this is not possible and the member(s) wishes to take further action, a complaint will be managed using the following procedure.

Complaints must be lodged within 30 days of the occurrence about which the complaint is made. When a written complaint is received regarding the conduct of a member, a Disciplinary Committee will be formed to hear it, consisting of the President and two other members of the club’s general committee. They should meet within 21 days of receiving the complaint in writing and the person(s) complained of will be advised in writing that an issue is to be considered for possible action. The member(s) complained of must be advised of their right to be heard and accompanied by an advisor, as well as their right to call witnesses in their defense.

The Disciplinary Committee must hear all sides of the complaint before adjourning to consider its decision. Minutes of the meeting will be recorded.  The Disciplinary Committee has the power to exonerate or, if the complaint is found, to apply one of the following penalties –

  • A verbal warning as to the member’s future conduct;
  • A written warning about the member’s conduct, which will be kept on file for 5 years;
  • Suspension of the member(s) from all facilities of the club for a period ranging from 7 to 42 days;
  • Request to the member(s) that they resign from the club;
  • Expulsion of the member(s) from the club.

Any member resigning at the request of the Disciplinary Committee, or who has been expelled, will not be permitted to be introduced as a guest at any time. No refund of their membership subscription will be made to the member in these circumstances.

The decision of the Disciplinary Committee must be given in writing as soon as possible after the hearing to all parties. In the event of disciplinary action being taken the member(s) involved has 21 days in which to lodge an appeal. If an appeal is lodged the findings of the Disciplinary Committee will be held in abeyance.

In the event of an appeal being made an Appeals Committee will be appointed to hear it. That committee will consist of three members of the general committee who were not members of the original Disciplinary Committee. The new hearing must be held within 21 days of the appeal being made. The appellant(s) will be notified in writing and advised of their right to be heard and to be accompanied if so wished. The Appeals Committee can rehear the original evidence together with any fresh evidence.

The decision of the Appeals Committee will be given in writing to all parties as soon as possible after the hearing and will be final.

11. With the exception of the Ladies’ and Men’s Singles Championship members must make themselves available to play in a minimum of three friendly matches during the season in order to qualify to enter Club Competitions the following season. In exceptional circumstances the Committee may waive this rule at their discretion.

12. Financial assistance may be given to any member who reaches the final stages of any National Competition. The Committee will decide the amount of assistance given.

13Club Nights:

A maximum of three rinks will be made available for individuals to play National, County and District competitions on Club Nights, with priority being given to fixed-date competitions. Other rinks will be reserved for social roll-ups, Acorn Trophy competitions or club coaching activities. In respect of matches commencing in the afternoon, rinks are to be vacated by 6pm.

14. The Club premises may be open to members and their guests from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. during the playing season, as defined by the Committee.

15. The hours during which intoxicating liquor may be consumed on the premises are as laid down in the 2003 Licensing Act (as may be amended from time to time). The Committee has the power to arrange an extension of these times on special occasions.

Intoxicating liquor may be supplied during such hours as are permitted by these rules to members and their bona fide guests.  Members and supporters of visiting teams may also be supplied. No intoxicating liquor may be supplied for consumption off the Club’s premises.

16. Members may bring 2 guests into the Club premises on any one occasion and will assume responsibility for their good behaviour whilst they remain on the Club premises. A member may not bring the same guests more than three times in any one year, except for social purposes.

17:  No member may receive directly or indirectly any remuneration from the supply of intoxicating liquor.

18. All surplus income or profits are to be re-invested in the club. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.

19: Dissolution:

19.1: If, at any General Meeting of the Club, a resolution is passed calling for the dissolution of the Club, the Honorary Secretary must immediately convene a Special General Meeting to be held not less than one month thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution.

 19.2: If, at that Special General Meeting, the resolution is carried by at least two-thirds of the Members present, the Committee must thereupon, or at such date as was specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the Club and discharge all debts and liabilities of the Club.

 19.3: Upon dissolution of the club any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to another registered Community Amateur Sports Club, a registered charity or the sport’s governing body for use by them in related community sports.


Revised: December 2012

December 2014

December 2016

January 2017

December 2018

December 2019

March 2021